Saturday, September 29, 2007

India halfway. Impressions. (off to Hawaii!)

Upon the halfway point of my trip, I will indulge you with some anecdotes/rememberances from the trip.

Ice. Ice is a very valuable commodity. Most places don't have any ice, and if they do, they harbor the cubes as if they raised the cubes themsleves from baby water.

Last Monday, I was at a restaurant for late lunch - it was hot and humid day - and there was nothing more I wanted than an ice cold Coca-Cola. But it arrived with no ice.

"Could I get some ice, please?" He departed and returned with a large, shiny silver bowl filled with ice. He dipped in his brass tongs and dropped one cube into my halfway-filled glass of Coke.

"Still more ice." He nodded and dropped one more into my glass.

"Still more." Same pleasant response, and I was awarded with a third cube.

"More. More. More." Four, five, six.

"Yeah, still more. Thanks. But more please. More. More. Could I have just one more? Okay, that's good. Thanks."

Boy, was that Coke good! Icy goodness!

"Please don't smash your baby's penis up against the window, thanks." Occasiaonally the homeless people here get very pushy. One woman went a bit too far for my taste. I'll afford you the luxury of not adding a photo illustration.

And after all this time, my favortie place to eat:

McDonald's. This will inevitably change back to The Hyderabad House, but I am still recovering from my gastroruinmyinsidesitis, and damn, that McChicken and fries never tased so good.

Now I'm off to Delhi and then 120km south to see the Taj Mahal. Hmm, I wonder if it's as cool looking as Trump's. After that... Tokyo, for 12 hours. Then Hawaii. A good friend of mine, James Dingus, is getting married - I arranged this perfect sabbatical before I left. 9 days in Hawaii.

Then I will return to India for the 2nd half. Wish me luck.


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